Next week at SCORELAND2: A foursome, an anal first-timer, Maria Moore hardcore, black ‘n’ stacked legends and a super-natural secretary

July 21, 2012 by Dave

That's Sammie on the left, Jenny on the right

What’s SCORELAND2 all about? Well, one of the things it’s all about is $9.99 a month for photo/video updates five days a week and an archive of some of the best scenes from SCORELAND,, and many of our other websites. You won’t find any new stuff at SCORELAND2 (everything is at least two years old), but you’ll find lots and lots of great big-boob stuff (solo and hardcore) to jack to. And, like I said, it’s all just $9.99.

SCORELAND2 is also about having something for every big-boob lover…a wide variety of girls and scenes…so things never get boring. I think the upcoming week at SCORELAND2 is something to get excited about on many levels.

Monday: Jenny Hill and Sammie Black, two of the great black ‘n’ stacked naturals of the 1990s, two girls whose naturals boobs are as big and floppy and pliable as any I’ve ever seen, go tit-to-tit in one of only three or four scenes they shot together. There was true chemistry between Jenny and Sammie, perhaps because when they met, it was like, “Really? There’s another girl out there who’s built like me?”

Tuesday: Maria Moore, one of the greatest plumpers ever, puts on a spectacular cleavage show then sucks and fucks in one of her earliest hardcore scenes. It’s amazing that the lucky dude who porks her wasn’t suffocated by her massive mammaries. I just checked, and according to, Maria has FF-cups. No fuckin’ way. They’re much bigger.

If all secretaries looked like Michelle May, executives' marriages would last about two weeks.

Wednesday: Michelle May, during her first visit to our studio, as a super-stacked secretary. Cleavage pouring out of a top as she sits as her desk. Amazing shots looking up at her soft, plush, firm rack. What a view!

Jayden Prescott on her first day of nude modeling, ever. Back home: her loving husband.

Thursday: Jayden Prescott, slim ‘n’ stacked reader’s wife, a girl we first introduced on the Blog on October 1, 2009, a girl who had never posed nude or even been a stripper, does the thing that made her so special: First day in the studio, she not only fucks a total stranger, she takes his cock in her tight little ass. Jayden’s a little lady, and to this day, I still don’t know how she fit that cock in her butthole. First time out of the box, first time in the box.

Friday: Christy Marks and Terry Nova in their barnside four-way with two dudes from Busty Riding Academy. I was in Hungary during that shoot, but I wasn’t at the stable that day. Unlucky me, I was watching Jasmine Black, Melissa Mandlkova and Kristy Klenot splash water all over each other and have a catfight. I know, tough job.

And so completes a great (but typical) week at SCORELAND2: super-naturals in girl-girl action, a great plumper fucking, a stacked girl-next-door putting on an amazing tit show, a reader’s wife taking it up the ass and two of the most-popular naturals ever in four-way hardcore action.

That’s a lot to look forward to. And did I mention? Just $9.99.





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2 responses to “Next week at SCORELAND2: A foursome, an anal first-timer, Maria Moore hardcore, black ‘n’ stacked legends and a super-natural secretary”

  1. X.D. says:

    Thanks for bringing Jenny Hill and Sammie Black back into the spotlight. Some of the most magnificient pendelous breasts, and gorgeous women ever.

  2. LJ says:

    I am going to apolpigize for any spanks on the muddles butts that I wish I was the photog. And nothing that I would wish anything that I could trun into a three way. I honesty dont know how to say thankmnyou and what I am writing. Sapphire has beem my favorite a long ting.I can only guessthaht peseronal. I will that my friendd sopahvelebnveoe
