Say it with cream :)

February 18, 2010 by Maria

Oh, SCORELAND…the place where fantasies come true. Or cum true…depending on who you speak to. 🙂

I personally love SCORELAND. I love it when we have all sorts of exciting things going on. I love it when we have a new special up and new busty debuts. I love it when I’m just surfing around in the archives and come across something cool.

I love it when we get to see a hottie fuck for the first time. I love it when we go on location and post pics live from the other side of the world.

SCORELAND just fucking rocks my socks about as much as it does your cocks.

“But how do I convey that to you?” I said to myself? How do I say how awesome SCORELAND is to our members?

Then I thought…say it with cream. 🙂

A picture is worth a thousand words. lol



Ivy Darmon says it with cream and there ain't nothing wrong with that!

Ivy Darmon says it with cream, and there ain't nothing wrong with that!

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7 responses to “Say it with cream :)”

  1. frederickus says:

    Maria, you are AWESOME!!! I’d LOVE to “say it with cream” – to YOU – personally!!!

  2. bradley says:

    Ivy is one jack-able hottie

  3. Maria says:

    JACK! That was so cute. 😀 That made my day. ty! <3

  4. Jack says:

    Right on Rich …. another excellent topic and insights from our Maria ! You really do connect with Scoreland fans 🙂

    Let me put it this way … (sung to the tune of “Maria” from the Sound of Music)

    What do you thank a woman like Maria?
    How do I say how awesome SCORELAND is ?
    How do you find a word that means Maria?

    I hate to have to say it but I very firmly feel
    (all together)
    Maria’s not an asset to the abbey 🙂
    (one fan)
    I’d like to say a word in her behalf: Maria makes me laugh 🙂

    Have a great day !

  5. Maria says:

    @anonymous: I will touch base with Elliot about that. 🙂
    @Rich: You are very welcome. Ivy is one hot tamale.

  6. Rich says:

    Well Thank you very much Maria. It never ceases to amaze me how much Score cares about it’s fans. Continued success and happiness to all Score employees and model. And yes Ivy is amazing.

  7. Anonymous says:

    does these mean there is some new ivy darmon stuff on the way…cream vid would be awesome 🙂 ?