Tag Archive: SCORE Galleries

SCORELAND: It’s not all fun and games…

October 10, 2010 by Maria
Arcade games and Dominno: Fun for all!

Arcade games and Dominno: Fun for all!

…well,that’s not true. Sometimes it is!

One of the things that I love about SCORELAND is that on any given day, you can pretty much run amok all over the site and find a bunch of different things to do. I mean, there IS over 15 years of awesome content to look through. That’s a helluva lotta boobs, tits, slits, clits…well, you get the picture. You could spank for weeks. Hell, you could strangle your salami for MONTHS to all the busties there are to see in SCORELAND. But there is so much more on SCORELAND that isn’t JUST for your dick. (Because we care about your mind, too.) In fact, if you head to the SCORE Galleries section (like I did today) you will note that there are over 75 different galleries featuring all sorts of entertaining things for you to do!

For one thing, not a lot of people know that we have a bunch of fun downloads featuring your favorite naked models, but yes, we do. If you are a man who knows when to hold them and knows when to fold them, you can go to the SCORE CASINO to play SCORELAND Poker. You can go to the SCORE GAMES gallery and solve SCORE Puzzles, like this one of Sharday! You can play NAME THAT MODEL and the SCORE MEMORY GAME.

If you like games, but find yourself to be more of an observer and not a player, you can watch SCORE models compete mano-a-mano and tit-to-tit like Africa and Cassity in the Big Tit Challenge.

And if you are an intellectual and enjoy reading, you can read great articles, stories and see candids and bloopers in the FICTION, ARTICLES and HUMOR gallery. There are also tons of great interviews and even model chat archives featuring chats with models of yesteryear like Alyssa Alps. (And who doesn’t like Alyssa Alps, eh? Hubba, Hubba.)

All in all, there are hours of fun to be had in the SCORELAND Galleries. With the long winter months ahead of us (Well, actually ahead of you because hereĀ at SCORE Headquarters in Miami, the weather is always sunny with a chance of tits!), you could use a little something to help brighten the hours cramped up indoors, right?

And did I mention that all the articles and games in the galleries feature awesome shots of your favorite stacked models?

Just a few of the ways that SCORELAND makes sure that you get your dose of MANtertainment.

