Tag Archive: breast models

It’s a big, big, big, big boob world, and that’s why SCORELAND exists. To give new arrivals like Anastasia a place to hang their bras.

February 20, 2015 by Elliot James

When Christopher Columboobs discovered SCORELAND in 1492, he could have never predicted the New Discoveries that would move in from their respective homelands: the Czech Republic, Germany, Japan, England, Ukraine, Poland, Canada and so on.

Today, the boob fest continues with more of British newcomer Anastasia. The busty brunette natural lives in London. Yesterday brought a sneak peek of Anastasia with a 14-minute video. Today, Anastasia’s first pictorial and matching video plus a Boner Bonus bra and bikini top video.

When Anastasia’s breast growth to 32H began, it was sudden. “When it happened…boom!” Anastasia says. “Once they grew, nobody else had them that massive!”

“A new all-natural big bust legend!” predicts SCORE Man EJO.

And then on Saturday, another major event. Dave will explain.

Boobs Britannia! Britannia rules the boobs.