Categories for Letters and Comments

Beautiful transsexual enjoys sucking on sausages while masturbating and watching big-boob videos. Maybe.

August 16, 2011 by Dave
Brandy Ryder enjoys sucking on big sausages while sucking cock. We have pictorial proof of that.

Brandy Ryder enjoys sucking on big sausages while sucking cock. We have pictorial proof of that. Get free with a membership to

We get a lot of emails and letters at SCORE and SCORELAND, most of them from readers and members who have genuine ideas and opinions to express.

But every once in a while, we receive a letter from a reader who…well, who I’m just not certain is being straight (possible poor word choice, as you’re about to see) with us, who I think might be trying to put one over on us. So, what happens is, we decide to publish the letter anyway (because most letters like this are kinda different and kinda amusing), and the writer sits at home laughing and thinking, “Those idiots! I really put one over on them!”

The following letter, published in SCORE, just might be one of those letters. It’s from Lauren G. (address withheld). Lauren G. writes:

“Though I’m a beautiful transsexual fellatrix (that’s someone adept at and who enjoys sucking man sausage a whole lot!), I don’t watch gay porn at all. I prefer to see hot, sexy, ultra-feminine women having sex with men. I can’t stand to see two masculine men, or, for that matter, even two feminine or even butch women going at it, having sex or French kissing. I feel it’s a man and a woman that looks right. That’s why I always wear feminine apparel and makeup. I have my own hair (no wig), and it’s very full and lustrous. I just need huge, natural tits and a pussy. My mind and preferences are 100% female. I don’t like sports, I suck at math, etc. I don’t masturbate to any DVDs, but I enjoy them. I always masturbate while sucking something, usually a big hot dog or a realistic cock dildo like, say, a Doc Johnson Jeff Stryker model. My ejaculation is 10 times more intense while sucking one of these than when not sucking one.

“Whether I’m sucking on a big weiner or a dildo, I always think about someone I’ve already been with, someone whose dick I’ve already sucked. I have a harder time cumming if I think about someone I’ve not been with yet. The size of the hot dog has no bearing on the size of the guy I was with. Besides sucking hot dogs while playing on my computer, reading a book or newspaper or watching TV, etc., I also suck on these big hot dogs while walking on my treadmill a half hour per day and while working  out.”

Okay: Real or not real? Is Lauren G. really a transsexual who enjoys sucking hot dogs while watching SCORE videos and masturbating? Or is Lauren G. more likely some guy named Larry who sits at home watching DVDs and jacking, just like the rest of it, and satisfies his post-jacking hunger with, maybe, a hot dog and a beer? Every part of the letter strikes me as realistic except the sucking on hot dogs part. Who sucks on hot dogs while walking on a treadmill? Doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose?

SCORELAND Blog readers, you make the call!

And now, a brief word about Blog decorum

July 23, 2011 by Dave
Puma prepares to punish a Blog reader who made an ungentlemanly remark about one of her SCORE girlfriends.

Puma lays the smack down on a Blog reader who made an ungentlemanly remark about one of her SCORE girlfriends.

One of the best things about the SCORELAND Blog is that it’s a place for boob lovers to make comments and share their opinions. For me and the other editors, many of the comments by Blog readers have been interesting, insightful and a way for us to better serve our magazine readers and website members.

With that in mind, we’ve tried to make this an open forum with little or no censorship. So, if you want to say, “SCORE sucks,” or “Dave’s an asshole and I can’t believe he’s the editor of SCORE,” go right ahead. We and I can take it.

And you’re perfectly free to criticize the models and the pictorials with comments like, “She doesn’t turn me on,” or “Her boobs are too small,” or “I don’t like augmented boobs” or something that’s within the boundaries of decency, always remembering that these models are real women who are putting themselves out there for your pleasure.

Which is why comments like, “She’s a pig,” or “She’s ugly” or “I wouldn’t fuck her with your dick” don’t make it past the Blog moderator.

I mean, by putting a little thought into your comment (and taking into account that you’re referring to another human being) instead of firing off the first thing that enters your mind, it’s easy to come up with a constructive or otherwise unoffensive criticism.

So, the reader who tried to comment, “She’s ugly”? Now you know why your comment wasn’t approved.

Other things that won’t get approved: 1.) Links to non-SCORE Group websites; 2.)  Your email address, mailing address and/or phone number.

I mean, even, “I don’t find her attractive,” or, “She’s not my type” or “I liked her better when…” is better than, “She’s ugly.” And if you’re saying, “That’s censorship,” well, yeah, then I guess it is.

Do we really have to point out that a big, BLACK cock is fucking Brittany O’Neil today at SCORELAND?

July 15, 2011 by Dave
Ashlee Chambers and Lucas. This is interracial…

Ashlee Chambers and Lucas. This is interracial…

…and isn't this interracial, too? Africa with Johnny Rod

…and isn't this interracial, too? Africa with Johnny Rod.

Coincidentally, Brittany O’Neil is doing her first-ever interracial hardcore video today at SCORELAND at the same time we received an email from a magazine reader who I’ll identify only as C.C. Over the years, we’ve received hundreds of letters regarding the interracial debate, but this is one of the most astute.

Writes C.C., “I would first like to compliment you wholeheartedly for the quality of every product produced by The SCORE Group. I enjoy SCORE, BootyLicious, Voluptuous and 40Something, and that pleasure has increased in direct proportion to the free videos you include with the magazines.

“I have sung your praises but now have to give you some hard truths that you as Caucasians may not be cognizant of in your everyday life. In the year 2011, racism is a far cry from what my grandmothers, mother and even I experienced (I’m in my mid 40s), but it is still a reality to the majority of black people in this country. Things are more subtle now, and if your head’s in a hole, you’ll miss the nuances of it when it strikes.

“As I stated earlier, your products get a big thumbs up, but have you ever noticed (porn in general) that interracial only describes a black man having sex with a women of another race, never the reverse? Case in point, your January 2010 issue of SCORE (I dug in my crates, lol). Ashlee Chambers/Lucas pictorial’s copy referenced his ‘black’ cock six times. Come on, fellows! Unless you’re implying your readers are blind and stupid, we can see the brother is black! Your review of the Miosotis (she’s a black hispanic, just letting you know) video, however, never once mentioned a ‘pale’ penis, a ‘white’ wand or an ‘ivory’ cock.

“Also, don’t let the less-intelligent readers guilt you with ‘People, lighten up,’ ‘People should get over it,’ and ‘It’s not that bad anymore.’ It’s not how what you say affects the groups not concerned but the groups that more directly ‘resemble’ the comments.

“Thank you and keep putting out a great product.”

And thank you, C.C., for a letter that criticizes intelligently but never becomes inflammatory. These are all interesting points worth discussing, and before I comment, I’d like to hear what you, the Blog readers, have to say.