Tag Archive: Food

The Whipped Cream Debate

December 9, 2009 by Maria
Anninna decorates her dugs wih a can o' the whip.

Annina decorates her dugs wih a can o' the whip.

Today I want to talk about what I like to refer to as The Great Whipped Cream Debate of 2009.

Is Cynthia's whipped cream use acceptable or too messy for your taste?

Is Cynthia's whipped cream use acceptable or too messy for your taste?

(Okay, it’s not that GREAT of a debate, but the title sounds fancy so I went with it.) 😉

You see, round these parts, I find myself enmeshed in these conversations with other editors, art directors and staff, and one of those convos was about the whole food and tits situation.

(Yes, these are ACTUAL debates that happen when your whole day revolves around hooters. Seriously.)

Some people were all for food and jugs making lovely music together.(Like when Annina coated her tits in the Holiday ’08 issue of SCORE.)

And others saw pics of Cynthia Romero‘s foodie boobs from the Jan. ’06 issue of SCORE and raged against it with a fervor usually reserved for our Piercings and Tattoos Debates. (Yes, we have those, too. lol)

“It’s messy and nasty!” said some.

“It’s fucking hot to see a pair of tits covered in sticky, sweet goodness!” said others.

And so the debate raged on and on, and when it was all said and done, it boiled down to one thing and one thing only.

Whipped cream.

You see, whipped cream is that treat that sits right on the fence that separates the foodies from the non-foodies here in our office.

Sam is a whipped cream kinda gal.

Sam is a whipped cream kinda gal.

All of the staffers who were adamantly against food-on-jugs action said that whipped cream was the exception.

It's a party and you, Karina and her can of whipped cream are invited.

It's a party, and you, Karina and her can of whipped cream are invited.

While looking at a set of Karina Hart playing with whipped cream, the anti-foodies said, “It’s acceptable. Not too much of it, but a little whipped cream is okay.”

And when checking out Sam Spring‘s June ’07 V-mag layout, the food-on-dugs lovers said that whipped cream was a staple for tit play.

“It’s a must. It’s perfect. You can precisely cover a pair of nipples with just a few squirts of that can of creamy goodness,” said the pro-foodies.

So, after hearing everyone in the office chime in on their edible/non-edible tata preferences, I decided that the only way to settle this debate was to come to you, the boob-loving masses, and let you guys hash it out and decide.

So what say you, big-tit lovers? Is food on boobflesh A-okay, or is it a titty taboo?

Is whipped cream the universal peacemaker for this debate?

And moreover, after all this talk of food and tits and creamy, yummy stuff, are you as hungry as I am?


Chime in, guys.

