Tag Archive: inflatable bras

Experiments in boob science

April 28, 2013 by Elliot James

At the Université de Bretagne-Sud in France, two experiments were carried out in order to test the effect a woman’s breast size would have on the number of men approaching her.

The researchers hypothesized that an increase in breast size would be associated with an increase in approaches by men.

This experiment’s a no-brainer, eh?

A young female confederate wore a special bra that let her inflate the cup size at will. In the first experiment, the girl was instructed to sit in a nightclub for one hour, and in the second experiment, she was instructed to take a seat at a sidewalk cafe. It was found that increasing her breast size was associated with an increasing number of guys introducing themselves.

Truly a fantastic discovery. Well worth the research grant. I would have liked to have been involved in this experiment, but no one asked me. Boob science marches on.

French scientists claim that big boobed woman get more attention from guys. Are they fucking crazy?