Tag Archive: June 1992 SCORE

SCORE’s 20th Anniversary issue, now at your favorite magazine rack

March 22, 2012 by Elliot James

Now at your favorite rack

It’s here. 20 years in the making. The June 2012 SCORE is now hot off the printing press. Celebrating two decades of bringing big boobs to the world. Get your copy today at your favorite store, or get it direct from eBoobStore.com.

It’s also available in a digital version for reading on tablets.

I like new tech, but it’s only a means to an end, and that end is the love of big tits.

LA Bust was the covergirl of the first issue, June 1992

Veteran subscriber Delmo writes “Scorecard”:

“Twenty years already? Time flies when you’re having fun perusing the best big-boob mag on the market. I remember buying the second issue on the stands in 1992 and was hooked. Here was a newcomer to the big-boob scene that could compete with, and beat, Gent, D-Cup, Hustler’s Busty Beauties, etc.! Being a completist, I quickly tracked down the first issue, and, with the help of subscribing a number of years ago, I have the whole run of SCORE to date. I even have a handful of the short-lived UK version, TEASE.  Congratulations on reaching this impressive milestone, and may you have 20 more years. I know I’ll still be buying.”