Tag Archive: Photoshoot

Carrie Ashton will burst your bubble!

October 12, 2009 by Maria

Well, maybe she won’t burst your bubble, but looking at Carrie Ashton will definitely help you bust your nut…in a good way, of course.

Ms. Ashton returns to the blog in another mini-video I shot of her when she was here last week.

I want to take this opportunity to say a few things about shooting videos for the blog. The first thing is that when we started this blog, they gave us a bunch of rules to follow about getting videos and when and where we could shoot and not to interrupt anyone and a bunch of other very restrictive guidelines when it came to the models, etc. The second thing I want to say is that I took all those guidelines and threw ’em out the window. πŸ˜›

I just happen to think its much more fun to barge into the studio and interrupt photoshoots (Especially when the model is naked and playing with toys!) and just shoot away. Not all of the editors do it that way, but I happen to think that my way of shooting is very, um, me? It’s my personality. My way of seeing the boobs I love. It’s my, um, vision? lol

(And I am sorry for the shaky camerawork! I am getting better at it, but I get so excited and hyper that I start bouncing around!) πŸ˜€

Regardless, I will take this time on the blog to apologize to the studio staff for my guerrilla-style blog videography and to our photographer, Peter, who graciously let me put him behind schedule and take Carrie away from him during his shoot. You are a gentleman and a scholar, Peter.

(But in all honesty, how else would I have gotten this video and how else would you know that she likes classic cars and can be wooed with chicken wings? Sometimes you have to get in there and take what you want, right? πŸ˜‰ )

For now, enjoy Carrie and these bubbles. I must say, I was told that blowing bubbles relieves stress and I have to agree. Not one time while watching Ms. Ashton twirl around naked and blow bubbles did I feel stressed. LOL

