Tag Archive: pornloser.com

Webpass may be just what you’re looking for

January 24, 2012 by Elliot James

There are easier, faster ways to join SCORELAND or SCOREVideos.com.

Thought about joining a website but always hold back because you don’t want a membership that turns over monthly?

Are you one of those in and out, love it and leave it guys?

No problem. Try our Webpass available at SCORE’s eBoobStore.com, just a short walk from my desk and manned by dedicated staffers who are not in India.

Join for a month and when the month is up, your membership automatically ends.  No muss, no fuss.

Makes a great gift, too.

Girls, buy your boob-lovin’ guy a membership to any one of 25 TSG websites and never worry about any recurring charges on your card once the membership ends.

Visit eBoobStore for details and easy instructions on how to get Webpass.

Easy to use.