And now, a brief word about Blog decorum

July 23, 2011 by Dave
Puma prepares to punish a Blog reader who made an ungentlemanly remark about one of her SCORE girlfriends.

Puma lays the smack down on a Blog reader who made an ungentlemanly remark about one of her SCORE girlfriends.

One of the best things about the SCORELAND Blog is that it’s a place for boob lovers to make comments and share their opinions. For me and the other editors, many of the comments by Blog readers have been interesting, insightful and a way for us to better serve our magazine readers and website members.

With that in mind, we’ve tried to make this an open forum with little or no censorship. So, if you want to say, “SCORE sucks,” or “Dave’s an asshole and I can’t believe he’s the editor of SCORE,” go right ahead. We and I can take it.

And you’re perfectly free to criticize the models and the pictorials with comments like, “She doesn’t turn me on,” or “Her boobs are too small,” or “I don’t like augmented boobs” or something that’s within the boundaries of decency, always remembering that these models are real women who are putting themselves out there for your pleasure.

Which is why comments like, “She’s a pig,” or “She’s ugly” or “I wouldn’t fuck her with your dick” don’t make it past the Blog moderator.

I mean, by putting a little thought into your comment (and taking into account that you’re referring to another human being) instead of firing off the first thing that enters your mind, it’s easy to come up with a constructive or otherwise unoffensive criticism.

So, the reader who tried to comment, “She’s ugly”? Now you know why your comment wasn’t approved.

Other things that won’t get approved: 1.) Links to non-SCORE Group websites; 2.)  Your email address, mailing address and/or phone number.

I mean, even, “I don’t find her attractive,” or, “She’s not my type” or “I liked her better when…” is better than, “She’s ugly.” And if you’re saying, “That’s censorship,” well, yeah, then I guess it is.

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7 responses to “And now, a brief word about Blog decorum”

  1. Glenberry says:

    Political correctness has nothing to do with it (such an overused term that) but it boils down to good ol’fashioned common courtesy. Don’t type anything on here that you wouldn’t say to the persons face. My recommendation to those guys who prefer not to do so I suggest you practice your “keyboard courage” elsewhere.

  2. jim says:

    excellent post and I agree. one of the things that bothers me is the mean spirited,hate filled commentaries we hear in the political and social world at large. the last thing we need is that nastiness ruining a place for enjoyment of beauty and ladies who share the utmost of that feminine allure to enhance life. good for you for having standards of conduct.

  3. c.a. united kingdom says:

    spot on Dave, we all have our opinions and if im not so keen on a model ill respect others will and would never anything nasty…. to be honest score readers are all knowlegable people with clever and interesting points to make…

  4. silent55 says:

    Hear, hear! People can rail against so-called censorship, but, yeah, everyone has feelings. For a business that’s solely based on people and the human body, even if it’s sometimes a facade, there are still real people here. I’ll take this slight censorship over plain meanness any day.

  5. Dave says:

    Each and every one of the gals in Score and Voluptuous is beautiful in her own way. Like everyone, I find some more attractive than others and some bodies and boobs more of a turn-on than others. That doesn’t diminish any of the other ladies. One man’s turn-on is another man’s turn-off. Just keep these fantastic ladies coming, I have few if any complaints.

  6. sean says:

    Hell yeah!!you tell it like it is Dave I hate stupid people. Trust me i’m not politically correct by any means but idiots need to refrain from saying dumb comments never seen an ugly model on scoreland ever!!!!! Keep up the great things, dave ur the man Airborne all the way!!!!!

  7. winter1968 says:

    Great post. I pride myself on being clever, insightful and TACTFUL in what I am trying to say; very much because it’s FUN. Plus, I am well aware that Dave has it right, these ladies are people who have feelings and brains etc…not objects, thus being mindful of that is important in my opinion. Plus, it appears that a lot of the models look at what is being said about them on this forum so if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t bother. How nice would it be to get a bonified thank you or hello from a model or whatever, I’d sure be flattered and stoked. Being a jerk and an arrogant dick is totally unoriginal and worthless. I DIG this forum a lot for the reasons Dave cites…he has it 100% correct; I get to yap my silly mind off about GORGEOUS women who are showing off their beauty in a manner I love…TSG is the absolute bomb and I am loyal fan for sure and will defend their pursuits to the end 🙂